The Week o' Slack

I think I sabotage myself. Ha! “Think”. That’s funny. I KNOW I sabotage myself. I lose two pounds last week so what do I do? I immediately stop exercising. Yeah, I just stopped this week. I mean, not for good or anything, I just didn’t really get around to it this week. I ate ok, though honestly, not consistently or often. A 100 Calorie pack here, a salad there, grab a Pria shake when I get a second… you know the routine.

So, I don’t know. I don’t feel bad about not working out really, which is new because normally I would berate myself every time I thought about how I slacked. But, I don’t. It was a conscious choice. I chose to do other things, like work and spend time with my boyfriend. Next week, I’ll start working out again, but I just wanted one week where I wasn’t worrying if I worked out enough to lose a flippin’ ounce or whatever, you know? The whole “I have to think about losing weight every second of every day until I’m thin” routine is getting old.

I’ve surrendered my 25 pounds by March 10th fantasy. I’ve only lost 6.6 so far, that date is only a few weeks away and I have a better chance of winning the Powerball. But, tomorrow is another day, next week is another week and eventually, I suppose I’ll get there. A girl can dream.

Next week, I’d like to make time to listen to my meditation/hypnosis more often. I’d also like to try to eat 3 meals a day. Shocking, I know, but it’s better than cramming all my calories into the last quarter of the day. And last, but not least, get back in the gym. Absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder… or something. If only absence made my ass smaller…